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  • Mary Grace Whatley


This pillow has been floating around the internet and it seems to go for $50+. Well creators have taken it into their own hands to make it themselves for cheaper!


Grab a pillow you already have or a cheap one from Walmart like I did! Based on the size of the pillow, determine the size you want your ghosts to be and cut the macrame rope accordingly. I used four per ghosts. Depending on the width, you may have more or less.


Start hot gluing sides together like a rainbow shape! Some use fabric adhesive glue but I found that hot glue works just as well and faster.


Once the sides are glued together, flip it over and add more glue to the areas that are separated and need a little bit more adhesive. Let that dry and work on your next ghost.


Once ghosts are glued and dried, grab a paintbrush and black paint and paint on some eyes! You could also use felt to cut some eyes out and glue to the ghost. This is your project! Decide what you like best!


Once the eyes have dried, apply a layer of hot glue to the back of the ghosts and place where you want on the pillow! I recommend placing them out first to make sure you have enough for the design you're wanting on your pillow. You could also use fabric adhesive glue for this step or even sew them on from the inside of the pillow but like I said.. hot glue was just faster for me and I wanted it done ASAP so I could throw it on my couch :)


When you're done, add back to your chair, couch, or bed for a little Halloween touch!

If you try this trend, let me know on Instagram! Tag me @ohmgcreates and show off your creation!! Have fun!

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